Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yet another project that I've storyboarded, my second this year. This was for a book trailer that was just recently produced by Gillian Adams for her Out Of Darkness Rising novella, which comes out this summer.
 Interpreting a script is one of the funnest things that I do. It's also one of the most frustrating things I do. Fortunately, this project didn't require high frustration levels. The script was straightforward and had some notes from Gillian expressing certain angles that she wanted, but overall she let me have creative reign. This is really cool, because then I get to be a sort of pre-production director.
 I was actually fairly busy when this cropped up. I had two other projects pending that I knew were going to require a ton of work. But it had swords, serpents and capes... How could I pass it up? Practice drawing my favorite genre with an extra helping of publicity? Yes ma'am!!!
 Here are a few examples...

This sequence was fun because it's simply one dolly sequence. It was fun to be creative and come up with cool shots. Not that they were pulled off, but hey, they were fun to draw.

A study in silhouettes and lighting.

This scene was cool to do because of all the framing opportunities. I wanted the dudes in black robes to be ominous, imposing and always present, conveying the fact that no one can get away. 

Overall, a fantastic experience. I absolutely loved every second I spent drawing these.

I can't believe I get to do this.

By the way, if you want to find out more about Gillian and her new book, click here:



Unknown said...

Wow, you did an excellent job! Really like the way you can capture the emotion of a scene in just a few quick strokes. Always wished I could do that. Very cool. =)

Blookie said...

Why thank you!

Unknown said...

Love 'em!

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing the storyboards Johnny! You did an awesome job and it proved a great help during filming!